Renaissance Bloopers

There is a young Sir Michael Caine in this painting.
0018Sir-Michael-CaineSir Michael CBE, English actor and author is well known for his unique working class cockney accent. Caine has had a roll in over 115 films and is regarded as a British film icon. Now he is playing the baby Jesus in this painting by Jan van Eyck, Madonna of Chancellor Rolin c. 1435




















I guess there had to be some heavy medication in the Renaissance. The baby in this painting appears to be premature and is sprouting something.

What is the little guy wearing?mother-and-little-guy















There is nothing like having sideburns and a receding hairline at such an early age.
Painting by Duccio di Buoninsegna c. 1283-1284


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I do not guess Gravity nor table legs are an issue in this Renaissance workshop.
The Mérode Altarpiece c. 1425-30















Face it this painting is strange.

Michael Pacher, The Devil Presenting St. Augustine with the Book of Vices c. 1475


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